Create the distribution using your favorite build tool e.g. Ant.
Create MD5 and SHA1 hashes of the distribution file.
Digitally sign the distribution, for example:
gpg --armor --output ClickIDE-X.X.X.zip.asc --detach-sig ClickIDE-X.X.X.zip
Upload the distribution to your account at people.apache.org
under the folder ~/public_html/click/SUBPROJECT/X.X.X, where
SUBPROJECT is the name of the subproject and X.X.X
is the version.
For example version 2.2.0 of subproject ClickIDE could be published to:
Make sure the uploaded files have the right permissions (664)
and belong to the 'click' group to ensure that other members
have proper access to these files.
If not execute the following commands to ensure file and directory
permissions are correct:
ssh people.apache.org
cd ~/public_html/click/clickide/X.X.X
find . -type d | xargs chmod 775
find . -type f | xargs chmod 664
chgrp -R click *
Verify the digital signatures at people.apache.org to
ensure nothing went wrong with the upload.
Please note if this is the first time you verify your key
at people.apache.org, you'll need to import your public
key first.
Assuming your public key ID is 'B51329CB' and your key is available
from the public key server 'pgp.mit.edu', the following command
will import the key on people.apache.org:
ssh people.apache.org
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys B51329CB
Next verify the signature with the following command: (Replace SUBPROJECT with the name of the actual project.)
ssh people.apache.org
cd ~/public_html/click/SUBPROJECT/X.X.X
gpg --verify SUBPROJECT-X.X.X.zip.asc SUBPROJECT-X.X.X.zip
Releases must be voted on before they are published. Please
see the Voting
section for details.
Releases are published at people.apache.org under
the folder:
For example ClickIDE will be published to the folder:
An easy way to do this is to copy the files in your public_html
folder for example:
ssh people.apache.org
cp -R ~/public_html/click/clickide/X.X.X/ /www/www.apache.org/dist/click/clickide/X.X.X
Email release announcement to click-user and click-dev
mailing lists.