Class CheckList

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Control, Stateful

public class CheckList
extends Field

Provides a check list control. This is an implementation of the Checklist from Check it don't select it

A check list is a more user friendly substitution for multiple-select-boxes. It is a scrollable div which has many select-boxes.

CheckList Examples

 public class MyPage extends Page {

     public void onInit() {

         CheckList checkList = new ChecList("languages");

         checkList.add(new Option("001", "Java"));
         checkList.add(new Option("002", "Ruby"));
         checkList.add(new Option("003", "Perl"));

         // Set the Java as a selected option
Unless you use a DataProvider, remember to always populate the CheckList option list before it is processed. Do not populate the option list in a Page's onRender() method.


A common issue new Click users face is which page event (onInit or onRender) to populate the CheckList optionList in. To alleviate this problem you can set a dataProvider which allows the CheckList to fetch data when needed. This is particularly useful if retrieving CheckList data is expensive e.g. loading from a database.

Below is a simple example:

 public class LanguagePage extends Page {

     public Form form = new Form();

     private Select languageCheckList = new CheckList("languages");

     public LanguagePage() {

         // Set a DataProvider which "getData" method will be called to
         // populate the optionList. The "getData" method is only called when
         // the optionList data is needed
         languageCheckList.setDataProvider(new DataProvider() {
             public List getData() {
                 List options = new ArrayList();
                 options.add(new Option("001", "Java"));
                 options.add(new Option("002", "Ruby"));
                 options.add(new Option("003", "Perl"));
                 return options;


         form.add(new Submit("ok", "  OK  "));
CheckList also supports a scrollable mode. To make the CheckList scrollable, set the height of the CheckList through setHeight(String).

Note when setting the height it is recommended that the CheckList should not be sortable, because of browser incompatibilities.

The CheckList is also sortable by drag-drop if the setSortable(boolean) property is set to true. In this case the method getSortorder() returns the keys of all the options whether they where selected or not in the order provided by the user.

Sortable is provided by scriptaculous which is only supported on IE6, FF and Safari1.2 and higher. This control is only tested on IE6 and FF on Windows. With IE the text of the dragged element has a black-outline which does not look good. To turn this off define an explicit back-ground color for the <li> elements. Typically you will do this in a style: .listClass li {background-color: #xxx}, where the listClass is set through AbstractControl.addStyleClass(String).

If a select is required at least one item must be selected so that the input is valid. Other validations are not done.

The Control listener will be invoked in any case whether the CheckList is valid or not.

The values of the CheckList are provided by Option instances. To populate the CheckList with Options, use the add methods.

The label of the Option is shown to the user and the value is what is provided in the getSelectedValues() and getSortorder() Lists.

The selected values can be retrieved from getSelectedValues(). The get/setValue() property is not supported.

The select uses the /click/checklist/checklist.css style. By providing a style which extends this style the appearance of the list can be changed.

To set the additional style class use AbstractControl.addStyleClass(String). This will append the given class to the default class of this control. Alternatively AbstractControl.setStyle(String, String) can be used to set the style of the outer div.

For an example please look at the click-examples and the at the above blog.

CSS and JavaScript resources

The CheckList control makes use of the following resources (which Click automatically deploys to the application directories, /click/checklist and /click/prototype): To import these CheckList files simply reference the variables $headElements and $jsElements in the page template.

See Also:
Option, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  DataProvider<Option> dataProvider
          The select data provider.
protected  String height
          The height if null not scrollable.
protected  List<Option> optionList
          The Select Option list.
protected  List<String> selectedValues
          The selected values.
protected  boolean sortable
          If sortable by drag and drop.
protected  List<String> sortorder
          The key of the values in the order they are present (only set when sortable).
protected static String STYLE_CLASS
          The style class which is always set on this element (checkList).
          The field validation JavaScript function template.
Fields inherited from class
disabled, error, focus, form, help, label, labelStyle, labelStyleClass, parentStyleClassHint, parentStyleHint, readonly, required, tabindex, title, trim, validate, value
Fields inherited from class
actionListener, attributes, behaviors, headElements, listener, listenerMethod, messages, name, parent, styles
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
          Create a CheckList field with no name defined.
CheckList(String name)
          Create a CheckList field with the given name.
CheckList(String name, boolean required)
          Create a CheckList field with the given name and required status.
CheckList(String name, String label)
          Create a CheckList field with the given name and label.
CheckList(String name, String label, boolean required)
          Create a CheckList field with the given name, label and required status.
Method Summary
 void add(Object option)
          Add the given Option/String/Number/Boolean to the CheckList.
 void add(Option option)
          Add the given Option.
 void add(String value)
          Add the given option value.
 void addAll(Collection<?> options)
          Add the given Option/String/Number/Boolean collection to the CheckList.
 void addAll(Collection<?> objects, String optionValueProperty, String optionLabelProperty)
          Add the given collection of objects to the CheckList, creating new Option instances based on the object properties specified by optionValueProperty and optionLabelProperty.
 void addAll(Map<?,?> options)
          Add the given Map of option values and labels to the CheckList.
 void addAll(String[] options)
          Add the given array of string options to the Select option list.
 void addStyle(String style)
          Deprecated. use @{link #setStyle(String, String)}
 void bindRequestValue()
          Bind the request submission, setting the selectedValues and sort order if the checkList is sortable.
 int getControlSizeEst()
 DataProvider<Option> getDataProvider()
          Return the CheckList optionList DataProvider.
 String getFocusJavaScript()
          Return the Field focus JavaScript.
 List<Element> getHeadElements()
          Return the CheckList HEAD elements to be included in the page.
 String getHeight()
          The css-height attribute.
 String getHtmlClass()
          Deprecated. use AbstractControl.getAttribute(String) instead
 List<Option> getOptionList()
          Return the Option list.
 List<String> getSelectedValues()
          Return the list of selected values as a List of Strings.
 List<String> getSortorder()
          A list of the values transmitted in the order they are present in the list.
 String getTag()
 String getValidationJavaScript()
          Return the CheckList JavaScript client side validation function.
 Object getValueObject()
          This method delegates to getSelectedValues() to return the selected values as a java.util.List of Strings.
 List<String> getValues()
          Deprecated. use getSelectedValues() instead
 boolean isSortable()
          Whether the list is also sortable.
 boolean onProcess()
          Process the request Context setting the CheckList selectedValues if selected and invoking the control's listener if defined.
 void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer)
          Render the HTML representation of the CheckList.
 void setDataProvider(DataProvider<Option> dataProvider)
          Set the CheckList option list DataProvider.
 void setHeight(String height)
          The css height attribute-value.
 void setHtmlClass(String clazz)
          Deprecated. use AbstractControl.addStyleClass(String) instead
 void setOptionList(List<Option> options)
          Set the Option list.
 void setSelectedValues(List<String> selectedValues)
          Set the list of selected values.
 void setSortable(boolean sortable)
          Whether the list should be drag-drop sortable.
 void setValueObject(Object object)
          This method delegates to setSelectedValues(java.util.List) to set the selected values of the CheckList.
 void setValues(List<String> values)
          Deprecated. use setSelectedValues(List) instead
protected  void sortOptions(String[] order)
          Sorts the current Options List.
 void validate()
          Validate the CheckList request submission.
Methods inherited from class
getError, getErrorLabel, getFocus, getForm, getHelp, getId, getLabel, getLabelStyle, getLabelStyleClass, getParentStyleClassHint, getParentStyleHint, getRequestValue, getState, getTabIndex, getTextAlign, getTitle, getValidate, getValue, getWidth, isDisabled, isHidden, isReadonly, isRequired, isTrim, isValid, removeState, renderTagBegin, restoreState, saveState, setDisabled, setError, setErrorMessage, setErrorMessage, setFocus, setForm, setHelp, setLabel, setLabelStyle, setLabelStyleClass, setListener, setParent, setParentStyleClassHint, setParentStyleHint, setReadonly, setRequired, setState, setTabIndex, setTextAlign, setTitle, setTrim, setValidate, setValue, setWidth
Methods inherited from class
addBehavior, addStyleClass, appendAttributes, dispatchActionEvent, getActionListener, getAttribute, getAttributes, getBehaviors, getContext, getHtmlImports, getMessage, getMessage, getMessages, getName, getPage, getParent, getStyle, getStyles, hasAttribute, hasAttributes, hasBehaviors, hasStyles, isAjaxTarget, onDeploy, onDestroy, onInit, onRender, removeBehavior, removeStyleClass, renderTagEnd, setActionListener, setAttribute, setId, setName, setStyle, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String STYLE_CLASS
The style class which is always set on this element (checkList).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String VALIDATE_CHECKLIST_FUNCTION
The field validation JavaScript function template. The function template arguments are:

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected DataProvider<Option> dataProvider
The select data provider.


protected String height
The height if null not scrollable.


protected List<Option> optionList
The Select Option list.


protected boolean sortable
If sortable by drag and drop.


protected List<String> sortorder
The key of the values in the order they are present (only set when sortable).


protected List<String> selectedValues
The selected values.

Constructor Detail


public CheckList(String name)
Create a CheckList field with the given name.

name - the name of the field


public CheckList(String name,
                 String label)
Create a CheckList field with the given name and label.

name - the name of the field
label - the label of the field


public CheckList(String name,
                 boolean required)
Create a CheckList field with the given name and required status.

name - the name of the field
required - the field required status


public CheckList(String name,
                 String label,
                 boolean required)
Create a CheckList field with the given name, label and required status.

name - the name of the field
label - the label of the field
required - the field required status


public CheckList()
Create a CheckList field with no name defined.

Please note the control's name must be defined before it is valid.

Method Detail


public String getTag()
getTag in class AbstractControl
this controls html tag
See Also:


public void add(Option option)
Add the given Option.

option - the Option value to add
IllegalArgumentException - if option is null


public void add(String value)
Add the given option value. This convenience method will create a new Option with the given value and add it to the CheckList. The new Option display label will be the same as its value.

value - the option value to add
IllegalArgumentException - if the value is null


public void add(Object option)
Add the given Option/String/Number/Boolean to the CheckList.

option - one of either Option/String/Number/Boolean to add
IllegalArgumentException - if option is null, or the option is an unsupported class


public void addAll(Collection<?> options)
Add the given Option/String/Number/Boolean collection to the CheckList.

options - the collection of Option/String/Number/Boolean objects to add
IllegalArgumentException - if options is null, or the collection contains an unsupported class


public void addAll(Map<?,?> options)
Add the given Map of option values and labels to the CheckList. The Map entry key will be used as the option value and the Map entry value will be used as the option label.

It is recommended that LinkedHashMap is used as the Map parameter to maintain the order of the option vales.

options - the Map of option values and labels to add
IllegalArgumentException - if options is null


public void addAll(String[] options)
Add the given array of string options to the Select option list.

The options array string value will be used for the Option.value and Option.label.

options - the array of option values to add
IllegalArgumentException - if options is null


public void addAll(Collection<?> objects,
                   String optionValueProperty,
                   String optionLabelProperty)
Add the given collection of objects to the CheckList, creating new Option instances based on the object properties specified by optionValueProperty and optionLabelProperty.
   CheckList list = new CheckList("type", "Type:");
   list.addAll(getCustomerService().getCustomerTypes(), "id", "name");
For example given the Collection of CustomerType objects, optionValueProperty "id" and optionLabelProperty "name", the id and name properties of each CustomerType will be retrieved. For each CustomerType in the Collection a new Option instance is created and its value and label is set to the id and name retrieved from the CustomerType instance.

objects - the collection of objects to render as options
optionValueProperty - the name of the object property to render as the Option value
optionLabelProperty - the name of the object property to render as the Option label
IllegalArgumentException - if objects or optionValueProperty parameter is null


public DataProvider<Option> getDataProvider()
Return the CheckList optionList DataProvider.

the CheckList optionList DataProvider


public void setDataProvider(DataProvider<Option> dataProvider)
Set the CheckList option list DataProvider. The dataProvider must return a list containing Option values.

Example usage:

 CheckList checkList = new CheckList("languages");

 select.setDataProvider(new DataProvider() {
     public List getData() {
         List options = new ArrayList();
         options.add(new Option("001", "Java"));
         options.add(new Option("002", "Ruby"));
         options.add(new Option("003", "Perl"));
         return options;

dataProvider - the CheckList option list DataProvider


public void addStyle(String style)
Deprecated. use @{link #setStyle(String, String)}

Adds the given style-value pair to the style attribute of the outer div. Does not check whether the style is already set.

Typically used for the width:

 list.addStyle(""width: 100%; height: 25em""); 

style - the style name:value pair without a ending ;


public String getFocusJavaScript()
Return the Field focus JavaScript.

getFocusJavaScript in class Field
the Field focus JavaScript


public void setHeight(String height)
The css height attribute-value. If null no height is set and the CheckList is not scrollable.

height - one of css height values (ie 40px) or null.


public String getHeight()
The css-height attribute.

Returns the height or null.


public void setHtmlClass(String clazz)
Deprecated. use AbstractControl.addStyleClass(String) instead

Set the given html class. The class will be set on the select list together with the STYLE_CLASS. Ie class="checkList my-class" where my-class is the set class. The default value is null.

clazz - the class to set or null


public String getHtmlClass()
Deprecated. use AbstractControl.getAttribute(String) instead

The html class to set on this control.

the class or null (default null)
See Also:


public List<Element> getHeadElements()
Return the CheckList HEAD elements to be included in the page. The following resources are returned:

Specified by:
getHeadElements in interface Control
getHeadElements in class AbstractControl
the HTML head import statements for the control
See Also:


public List<Option> getOptionList()
Return the Option list.

the Option list


public void setOptionList(List<Option> options)
Set the Option list. Note: if the CheckList is sortable than the List must be fully modifiable, because it will be sorted according to the order chosen by the user.

options - a list of Option objects


public void setSortable(boolean sortable)
Whether the list should be drag-drop sortable. This is supported by scriptaculous. Note when the list also has a size than this might not work on different browsers.

sortable - default is false.


public boolean isSortable()
Whether the list is also sortable.

Returns the sortable.


public List<String> getSortorder()
A list of the values transmitted in the order they are present in the list. This is only available if the list is sortable

Returns list of strings of the option values.


public List<String> getValues()
Deprecated. use getSelectedValues() instead

Return the list of selected values as a List of Strings. The returned List will contain the values of the Options selected.

a list of Strings


public List<String> getSelectedValues()
Return the list of selected values as a List of Strings. The returned List will contain the values of the Options selected.

the list of selected values


public void setValues(List<String> values)
Deprecated. use setSelectedValues(List) instead

Set the list of selected values. The specified values must be Strings and match the values of the Options.

values - a list of strings or null


public void setSelectedValues(List<String> selectedValues)
Set the list of selected values. The specified values must be Strings and match the values of the Options.

For example:

 CheckList checkList = new CheckList("checkList");

 public void onInit() {
     List options = new ArrayList();
     options.add(new Option("1", "Option 1");
     options.add(new Option("2", "Option 2");
     options.add(new Option("3", "Option 3");

 public void onRender() {
     // Preselect some Options.
     List selected = new ArrayList();

selectedValues - the list of selected string values or null


public Object getValueObject()
This method delegates to getSelectedValues() to return the selected values as a java.util.List of Strings.

getValueObject in class Field
selected values as a List of Strings
See Also:
Field.getValueObject(), getSelectedValues()


public void setValueObject(Object object)
This method delegates to setSelectedValues(java.util.List) to set the selected values of the CheckList. The given object parameter must be a java.util.List of Strings, otherwise it is ignored.

The List of values match the values of the Options.

setValueObject in class Field
object - a List of Strings
See Also:
Field.setValueObject(java.lang.Object), setSelectedValues(java.util.List)


public String getValidationJavaScript()
Return the CheckList JavaScript client side validation function.

getValidationJavaScript in class Field
the field JavaScript client side validation function


public void bindRequestValue()
Bind the request submission, setting the selectedValues and sort order if the checkList is sortable.

bindRequestValue in class Field


public boolean onProcess()
Process the request Context setting the CheckList selectedValues if selected and invoking the control's listener if defined.

Specified by:
onProcess in interface Control
onProcess in class Field
true to continue Page event processing, false otherwise


protected void sortOptions(String[] order)
Sorts the current Options List. This method is called in bindRequestValue() when the CheckList is sortable.

order - values in the order to sort the list.


public int getControlSizeEst()
getControlSizeEst in class AbstractControl
the estimated rendered control size in characters
See Also:


public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer)
Render the HTML representation of the CheckList.

Specified by:
render in interface Control
render in class AbstractControl
buffer - the specified buffer to render the control's output to
See Also:


public void validate()
Validate the CheckList request submission.

If a CheckList is Field.required then the user must select a value, otherwise the Select will have a validation error. If the Select is not required then no validation errors will occur.

A field error message is displayed if a validation error occurs. These messages are defined in the resource bundle:

validate in class Field