In this first example we demonstrate how to handle Ajax requests with a
DefaultAjaxBehavior. DefaultAjaxBehavior is the default
implementation of the AjaxBehavior
interface. Below is
the Page class,
, showing a
DefaultAjaxBehavior added to an ActionLink, called
link with an HTML ID of link-id
The DefaultAjaxBehavior onAction
method will be invoked to handle the Ajax request. The onAction
method returns an ActionResult that is rendered to the browser.
public class AjaxBehaviorPage extends BorderPage { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private ActionLink link = new ActionLink("link", "here"); public AjaxBehaviorPage() { link.setId("link-id");addControl(link); // Add a DefaultAjaxBehavior to the link. The DefaultAjaxBehavior will be invoked when the // link is clicked. link.addBehavior(new DefaultAjaxBehavior() {
@Override public ActionResult
(Control source) {// Formatted date instance that will be added to the String now = format.currentDate("MMM, yyyy dd HH:MM:ss"); String msg = "AjaxBehavior <tt>onAction()</tt> method invoked at: " + now; // Return an action result containing the message return new ActionResult(msg, ActionResult.HTML);
} }); } }
![]() | We assign to ActionLink the HTML ID: |
![]() | Next we add the DefaultAjaxBehavior to the ActionLink.
Adding a Behavior to a control will also register that control with the
as a potential |
![]() | We also implement the DefaultAjaxBehavior
![]() | Finally we return an ActionResult containing some HTML content that is rendered to the browser. |
Below we show the Page template ajax-behavior.htm
containing the client-side JavaScript code that will initiate the Ajax request.
Note: the example below uses the jQuery library, but any other library can be used. Also see the online Click examples for more Ajax demos.
<!-- // $link is a Velocity reference that will render an ActionLink at runtime. --> Click $link to make an Ajax request to the server. <div id="result"> <!-- // Ajax response will be set here --> </div> <!-- // JavaScript code below --> <!-- // Import the jQuery library --> <script type="text/javascript" src="$context/js/jquery.js"></script> <!-- // The client-side JavaScript for initiating an Ajax request --> <script type="text/javascript"> // This example uses jQuery for making Ajax requests: // Register a function that is invoked as soon as the entire DOM has been loaded jQuery(document).ready(function() {// Register a 'click' handler that makes an Ajax request jQuery("#link-id").click(function(event){ // Make ajax request makeRequest(); // Prevent the default browser behavior of navigating to the link return false; }) }) function makeRequest() { // Get a reference to the link var link = jQuery('#link-id'); // In order for Click to identify the Ajax target, we pass the link ID // attribute as request parameters var extraData = link.attr('id') + '=1';
// The Ajax URL is set to the link 'href' URL which contains all the link default parameters, // including it's name/value pair: 'actionLink=link' var url = link.attr('href');
jQuery.get(url, extraData, function(data) { // 'data' is the response returned by the server // Find the div element with the id "result", and set its content to the server response jQuery("#result").html("<p>" + data + "</p>");
}); } </script>
![]() | We start off with a jQuery ready
function that is executed as soon as the browser DOM has been loaded.
This ensures that the function body is executed |
![]() | This is an important step. We need to pass the link's |
![]() | This is another important step. In addition to the ActionLink HTML ID
pararameter, we also need to send the link's |
![]() | Finally we the jQuery html function to update the div content with the server response. |
Looking at the output log we see the following trace:
[Click] [debug] GET http://localhost:8080/mycorp/ajax/ajax-behavior.htm
[Click] [trace] is Ajax request: true
[Click] [trace] request param: actionLink=link
[Click] [trace] request param: link-id=1
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.<<init>>
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.onSecurityCheck() : true
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.onInit()
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.onInit()
[Click] [trace] the following controls have been registered as potential Ajax targets:
[Click] [trace] ActionLink: name='link'
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.isAjaxTarget() : true
(Ajax target control found)
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.onProcess() : true
[Click] [trace] processing AjaxBehaviors for control: 'link' ActionLink
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.1.isRequestTarget() : true
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.1.onAction() : ActionResult
(ActionResult will be rendered)
[Click] [info ] renderActionResult (text/html) - 1 ms
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.onDestroy()
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.onDestroy()
[Click] [info ] handleRequest: /ajax/ajax-behavior.htm - 25 ms
First thing we notice is that the request is recognized as an Ajax request.
We can also see from the log that the Ajax request passed the parameters,
and actionLink=link
to the server.
is the ActionLink HTML ID attribute that will be used
to identify the Control as the Ajax request target
Next, the log prints which controls have been registered as potential
Ajax targets
. In our example we added an AjaxBehavior to the ActionLink
so the ActionLink is registered as an Ajax target.
Next, the ActionLink#isAjaxTarget was invoked and because
it returned true
, ActionLink will be used as the
Ajax target control.
Having found the Ajax target
, the ActionLink
onProcess is called.
Next, the log shows it found the target AjaxBehavior
by invoking the AjaxBehavior#isRequestTarget method, which
returned true
The AjaxBehavior#onAction is invoked which returns an
Finally, the ActionResult
is rendered to the browser.
Below we show a log trace where no Ajax target control
is found. The most common reason this can occur is if the JavaScript code
that initiates the Ajax request does not send the necessary request parameters
to identify the Ajax target control
. Another problem is
if no Control is registered ith the ControlRegistry
thus there is no potential Ajax target control
. This can
occur if no Behavior is added to a Control.
[Click] [debug] GET http://localhost:8080/mycorp/ajax/ajax-behavior.htm
[Click] [trace] is Ajax request: true
[Click] [trace] request param: actionLink=link
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.<<init>>
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.onSecurityCheck() : true
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.onInit()
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.onInit()
[Click] [trace] the following controls have been registered as potential Ajax targets:
[Click] [trace] ActionLink: name='link'
[Click] [trace] *no* target control was found for the Ajax request
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.onDestroy()
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.onDestroy()
[Click] [info ] handleRequest: /ajax/ajax-behavior.htm - 87 ms
Notice from the log that the only request parameters sent is
Next, the log prints which controls have been registered as potential
Ajax targets
. In our example we added an AjaxBehavior to the
ActionLink so the ActionLink is registered as an Ajax target.
Finally, we see that *no* Ajax target control was found.
This is because the ActionLink ID attribute, link-id
does not match the incoming request parameter, actionLink=link
hence the ActionLink was not identified as the Ajax request target
and no response is rendered.
Below we show a log trace where no target AjaxBehavior
is found. This can occur if no AjaxBehavior's
isRequestTarget returns true.
[Click] [debug] GET http://localhost:9999/mycorp/ajax/ajax-behavior.htm
[Click] [trace] is Ajax request: true
[Click] [trace] request param: actionLink=link
[Click] [trace] request param: link-id=1
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.<<init>>
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.onSecurityCheck() : true
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.onInit()
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.onInit()
[Click] [trace] the following controls have been registered as potential Ajax targets:
[Click] [trace] ActionLink: name='link'
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.isAjaxTarget() : true (Ajax target control found)
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.onProcess() : true
[Click] [trace] processing AjaxBehaviors for control: 'link' ActionLink
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.1.isRequestTarget() : false
[Click] [trace] *no* target AjaxBehavior found for 'link' ActionLink
- invoking AjaxBehavior.isRequestTarget() returned false for all AjaxBehaviors
[Click] [trace] invoked: 'link' ActionLink.onDestroy()
[Click] [trace] invoked: AjaxBehaviorPage.onDestroy()
[Click] [info ] handleRequest: /ajax/ajax-behavior.htm - 80 ms
We can see from the log that the Ajax request sent the parameters,
and actionLink=link
to the server.
Next we notice that the AjaxBehavior isRequestTarget()
returned false
Finally we see that *no* target AjaxBehavior was found
for the Ajax target control
, 'link' ActionLink