Class QuerySelect

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Control, Stateful

public class QuerySelect
extends Select

Provides a Cayenne Query Select control:   <select></select>.

Query Select
The QuerySelect provides a Select control with the options automatically populated from a Cayenne query. This control supports both named queries, which are configured in the Cayenne Modeler, and SelectQuery and NamedQuery objects which can be defined in code.

All Cayenne queries are executed using the thread local DataContext obtained via DataContext.getThreadDataContext(), and are executed as required by the onProcess() and toString() methods.

QuerySelect has no dependency on CayenneForm and can be used separately in other forms or controls.

QuerySelect Examples

The QuerySelect below executes a Cayenne Modeler defined named query called "system.titles". This pre configured query returns a list of DataRow objects containing "VALUE" and "LABEL" values, which are rendered as the option values and labels.
 QuerySelect title = new QuerySelect("title");
 title.setQueryValueLabel("system.titles", "VALUE", "LABEL");
The example below uses a SelectQuery defined in code and renders the Delivery object type and description properties and the option values and labels.
 QuerySelect delivery = new QuerySelect("delivery", true);
 delivery.setSelectQuery(new SelectQuery(Delivery.class));
The last example uses a Decorator to render the select options label.
 QuerySelect userSelect = new QuerySelect("user", true);
 userSelect.setSelectQuery(new SelectQuery(User.class));
 userSelect.setDecorator(new Decorator() {
     public String render(Object object, Context context) {
         User user = (User) object;
         return user.getFirstName() + " " + user.getLastName();

See Also:
CayenneForm, PropertySelect, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Decorator decorator
          The option label rendering decorator.
protected  boolean expireCache
          The flag specifying whether the cache should be ignored.
protected  org.apache.cayenne.query.NamedQuery namedQuery
          The option list Cayenne NamedQuery.
protected  boolean optional
          The flag indicating whether the option list includes an empty option value.
protected  String optionLabel
          The query result property to render as the option label.
protected  String optionValue
          The query result property to render as the option value.
protected  String queryName
          The name of the configured select query.
protected  org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery selectQuery
          The option list Cayenne SelectQuery.
Fields inherited from class
dataProvider, defaultOption, multiple, optionList, selectedValues, size, VALIDATE_SELECT_FUNCTION
Fields inherited from class
disabled, error, focus, form, help, label, labelStyle, labelStyleClass, parentStyleClassHint, parentStyleHint, readonly, required, tabindex, title, trim, validate, value
Fields inherited from class
actionListener, attributes, behaviors, headElements, listener, listenerMethod, messages, name, parent, styles
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
          Create a QuerySelect field with no name defined, please note the control's name must be defined before it is valid.
QuerySelect(String name)
          Create a QuerySelect field with the given name.
QuerySelect(String name, boolean required)
          Create a QuerySelect field with the given name and required status.
QuerySelect(String name, String label)
          Create a QuerySelect field with the given name and label.
QuerySelect(String name, String label, boolean required)
          Create a QuerySelect field with the given name, label and required status.
Method Summary
 Decorator getDecorator()
          Return the option label rendering decorator.
 boolean getExpireCache()
          Return true if the query should expire the cache.
 org.apache.cayenne.query.NamedQuery getNamedQuery()
          Return the NamedQuery to populate the options list with.
 String getOptionLabel()
          Return the query result property to render as the option label.
 String getOptionValue()
          Return the query result property to render as the option value.
 String getQueryName()
          Return the name of the configured query to populate the options list with.
 org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery getSelectQuery()
          Return the SelectQuery to populate the options list with.
 boolean isOptional()
          Return true if the option list includes an empty option value.
protected  void loadOptionList()
          Load the Select options list.
 void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer)
          Render the HTML representation of the QuerySelect.
 void setDecorator(Decorator decorator)
          Set the decorator to render the option labels.
 void setExpireCache(boolean expireCache)
          Set the query should expire cache parameter.
 void setNamedQuery(org.apache.cayenne.query.NamedQuery namedQuery)
          Set the NamedQuery to populate the options list with.
 void setOptional(boolean value)
          Set whether the option list includes an empty option value.
 void setOptionLabel(String optionLabel)
          Set the query result property to render as the option label.
 void setOptionValue(String optionValue)
          Set the query result property to render as the option value.
 void setQueryName(String queryName)
          Set the name of the configured query to populate the options list with.
 void setQueryValueLabel(String queryName, String optionValue, String optionLabel)
          Set the configured queryName to execute, the property to render as the option value, and the property to render as the option label.
 void setSelectQuery(org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery selectQuery)
          Set the SelectQuery to populate the options list with.
 void validate()
          Validate the QuerySelect request submission.
Methods inherited from class
add, add, add, add, addAll, addAll, addAll, addAll, bindRequestValue, getControlSizeEst, getDataProvider, getDefaultOption, getDefaultOptionValue, getMultipleValues, getOptionList, getSelectedValues, getSize, getState, getTag, getValidationJavaScript, isMultiple, onRender, setDataProvider, setDefaultOption, setInitialValue, setMultiple, setMultipleValues, setOptionList, setSelectedValues, setSize, setState
Methods inherited from class
getError, getErrorLabel, getFocus, getFocusJavaScript, getForm, getHelp, getId, getLabel, getLabelStyle, getLabelStyleClass, getParentStyleClassHint, getParentStyleHint, getRequestValue, getTabIndex, getTextAlign, getTitle, getValidate, getValue, getValueObject, getWidth, isDisabled, isHidden, isReadonly, isRequired, isTrim, isValid, onProcess, removeState, renderTagBegin, restoreState, saveState, setDisabled, setError, setErrorMessage, setErrorMessage, setFocus, setForm, setHelp, setLabel, setLabelStyle, setLabelStyleClass, setListener, setParent, setParentStyleClassHint, setParentStyleHint, setReadonly, setRequired, setTabIndex, setTextAlign, setTitle, setTrim, setValidate, setValue, setValueObject, setWidth
Methods inherited from class
addBehavior, addStyleClass, appendAttributes, dispatchActionEvent, getActionListener, getAttribute, getAttributes, getBehaviors, getContext, getHeadElements, getHtmlImports, getMessage, getMessage, getMessages, getName, getPage, getParent, getStyle, getStyles, hasAttribute, hasAttributes, hasBehaviors, hasStyles, isAjaxTarget, onDeploy, onDestroy, onInit, removeBehavior, removeStyleClass, renderTagEnd, setActionListener, setAttribute, setId, setName, setStyle, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Decorator decorator
The option label rendering decorator.


protected boolean expireCache
The flag specifying whether the cache should be ignored.


protected org.apache.cayenne.query.NamedQuery namedQuery
The option list Cayenne NamedQuery.


protected String queryName
The name of the configured select query.


protected boolean optional
The flag indicating whether the option list includes an empty option value. By default the list does not include an empty option value.


protected String optionLabel
The query result property to render as the option label.


protected String optionValue
The query result property to render as the option value.


protected org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery selectQuery
The option list Cayenne SelectQuery.

Constructor Detail


public QuerySelect(String name)
Create a QuerySelect field with the given name.

name - the name of the field


public QuerySelect(String name,
                   String label)
Create a QuerySelect field with the given name and label.

name - the name of the field
label - the label of the field


public QuerySelect(String name,
                   boolean required)
Create a QuerySelect field with the given name and required status.

name - the name of the field
required - the field required status


public QuerySelect(String name,
                   String label,
                   boolean required)
Create a QuerySelect field with the given name, label and required status.

name - the name of the field
label - the label of the field
required - the field required status


public QuerySelect()
Create a QuerySelect field with no name defined, please note the control's name must be defined before it is valid.

No-args constructors are provided for Java Bean tools support and are not intended for general use. If you create a control instance using a no-args constructor you must define its name before adding it to its parent.

Method Detail


public Decorator getDecorator()
Return the option label rendering decorator.

the option label rendering decorator


public void setDecorator(Decorator decorator)
Set the decorator to render the option labels.

decorator - the decorator to render the select option labels


public boolean getExpireCache()
Return true if the query should expire the cache.

true if the query should expire the cache


public void setExpireCache(boolean expireCache)
Set the query should expire cache parameter.

expireCache - the query should expire cache parameter


public org.apache.cayenne.query.NamedQuery getNamedQuery()
Return the NamedQuery to populate the options list with.

the NamedQuery to populate the options list with


public void setNamedQuery(org.apache.cayenne.query.NamedQuery namedQuery)
Set the NamedQuery to populate the options list with.

namedQuery - to populate the options list with


public String getQueryName()
Return the name of the configured query to populate the options list with.

the name of the configured query to populate the options list with


public void setQueryName(String queryName)
Set the name of the configured query to populate the options list with.

queryName - the name of the configured query to populate the options list with


public void setQueryValueLabel(String queryName,
                               String optionValue,
                               String optionLabel)
Set the configured queryName to execute, the property to render as the option value, and the property to render as the option label.

queryName - the configured named query to execute
optionValue - the property to render as the option value
optionLabel - the property to render as the option label


public boolean isOptional()
Return true if the option list includes an empty option value.

true if the option list includes an empty option value


public void setOptional(boolean value)
Set whether the option list includes an empty option value.

value - set whether the option list includes an empty option value


public String getOptionLabel()
Return the query result property to render as the option label.

If the query returns DataRow this property will be accessed via dataRow.get(getOptionLabel()). If the query returns DataObject the property will be accessed using its getter method.

the query result property to render as the option label.


public void setOptionLabel(String optionLabel)
Set the query result property to render as the option label.

optionLabel - the query result property to render as the option label


public String getOptionValue()
Return the query result property to render as the option value.

If the query returns DataRow this property will be accessed via dataRow.get(getOptionValue()). If the query returns DataObject the property will be accessed using its getter method.

the query result property to render as the option label.


public void setOptionValue(String optionValue)
Set the query result property to render as the option value.

optionValue - the query result property to render as the option value


public org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery getSelectQuery()
Return the SelectQuery to populate the options list with.

the SelectQuery to populate the options list with


public void setSelectQuery(org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery selectQuery)
Set the SelectQuery to populate the options list with.

selectQuery - the SelectQuery to populate the options list with


public void validate()
Validate the QuerySelect request submission.

validate in class Select
See Also:


public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer)
Render the HTML representation of the QuerySelect.

If the Select option list is empty this method will load option list so that it can be rendered.

Specified by:
render in interface Control
render in class Select
buffer - the specified buffer to render the control's output to
See Also:


protected void loadOptionList()
Load the Select options list.